
Showing posts from 2007

from the mouths of babes

washington square nordstroms. i come across these: i know, they are completely awesome, and i'm going back to buy them, but i digress. me "gabriel, put those down" (i have now said this at least 7 times in as many seconds, he can't help but pick up every patent leather heal in the place) me "gabriel, look at these shoes" gabriel (at full volume) "mom, those are fucking cool" i can't even deny it, sean happened to walk up just as my foul mouthed little one spewed the words. i did manage to pull myself together and not laugh, but i've been chuckling a little bit ever since.

Song to Say...

I was "working" and listening to music when Placebo popped into my headphones. Now I love Placebo and can think of an event to go with every single Placebo song written, well not Haemoglobin, but i hate that song. Anyway here I am and Song to Say Goodbye is playing and I'm just about crying at work, which is really not wholly unusual. Well it's unusual when I'm not PMS'ing, which I'm not. I just started thinking about an old friend of mine that just so fits this song. I try not to think too much about how this person is killing themselves, but when I do it breaks my heart. I think the time has come for me to have a heart to heart, but I'm keep saying I'm too busy, or I forget. I think I better get on it though, because if they do manage to do themselves in and I haven't even tried I know I'll regret it forever. Here's the lyrics for the song, and by the way, Heroin's not the only gnarly drug. It wasn't for me.... You